There Must Be A Demonstrated Need In Order To Qualify For A Habitat Home
Need is determined by a family’s current living conditions.
Some examples of need are outlined below (this list is not all-inclusive).
❖ Structural / Mechanical Problems in Building
- Visible holes or large cracks
- Leaks of hazardous or toxic materials
- Electrical problems
- Plumbing problems
- Appliances not working
❖ Inadequate Sleeping Arrangements
- More than 2 people sharing a room
- Different gendered children sharing a room
- Residents having to sleep on the floor
❖ Unsanitary Conditions or Health Risks
- Bugs
- Rodents
- Sewage problems
- Stairway in disrepair
- Allergy concerns
❖ Temporary or Transitional Housing
- Family currently living with relatives
- Family in emergency shelter
- Homelessness
❖ Current Housing Does Not Meet Physical Needs
- Accessibility
- Overcrowding for family size
❖ Unable to Obtain a Conventional Mortgage
- Did not qualify at a local lender
- Debt to income ratio was not accepted
- Need help budgeting or cleaning credit