The Application Process
1. Fill out the Intake Packet for Housing Counseling.
To help keep your families’ information even more safe and secure, we are now using Box to send our applications, as well as any other supporting documentation your family may need to submit along the way. For those unfamiliar with Box, it is a secure, cloud-based platform set up to protect all Personal Identifying Information and keep it safe.
2. Participate in Financial Coaching and Education classes.
Once your pre-screening application is submitted, a representative from Habitat Michigan will contact you. Financial Coaching and Education classes will be provided. Suggestions will be offered on items such as how to improve your credit score, budgeting and paying off debt. This is a free service.
3. Receive a referral.
Each family’s financial make up is unique. Some families can go through the Financial Coaching process fairly quickly while others may take more time. If your family achieves the goals that are established in the Financial Coaching Program, then your family will be referred back to Habitat of Humanity of Isabella County Affiliate.
4. Complete a Homeownership Application.
Once your family is referred back to the affiliate, the Executive Director will contact you to complete a Homeownership Application.
After your application is submitted, staff will do an initial review of your Need, Ability to Pay, and Willingness to Partner with Habitat. Staff will pull civil/criminal records, obtain your credit report and request a landlord reference. If your application is complete, it will be reviewed by the Family Selection Committee.
During the Homeowner Application Process, you will be asked to make copies of any of the documents listed below that apply to your situation:
- Federal Income Tax returns (Form 1040) for the past two years you filed
- Current pay stubs (last two pay periods)
- Current bank statements (checking and savings)
- Current benefit statements (SSI, SSDI, Food Share, Section 8 Housing, etc.)
- Child support court order and payment history for the past two years
- Name, address and phone number of your current landlord
- Proof of residency and eligibility to work in the US
5. If your application passes the initial review, a home visit will be arranged.
The home visit consists of a tour of your current home and an interview of your family by two members of the Family Selection Committee. The purpose of the home visit is to discuss the Habitat housing program in further detail and gain further information on your family’s current living conditions.
All heads of the household must participate and the entire family should be present.
6. After your home visit, your application is reviewed by the entire Family Selection Committee.
The committee reviews information submitted on the application form, financial documents and information obtained at the home visit to determine whether your application meets the program guidelines.
If approved, your application is forwarded to the Habitat Board of Directors for a final review and approval.
If the committee does not approve your application, you will be notified in writing with the reason for denial.