Habitat for Humanity Isabella County History

❖ Founded
HFHIC was founded in 1989 by a group of individuals with a heart and passion to help individuals and families in our community with housing. Since the beginning of the affiliate, the founders and countless volunteers have built 36 homes.
❖ Our ReStore
In 2008, the ReStore was opened. To this day, it is still operating in the original location at 201 E. Pickard St. in Mount Pleasant. Donations and sales have increased over the years as the building, volunteers, and staff have transformed it from a textile building into the home of our ReStore.
❖ Blitz Build
2014 marked the first Blitz Build project. The home, located in Shepherd, was built in a matter of 10 days. The design of the home is a two-story home large enough to accommodate a family of 10. It was a great accomplishment for the affiliate to participate in such a project, which also created a sound relationship with the Central Michigan Home Builder’s Association. The family moved in and celebrated their home dedication with joy, excitement, and the support of family and friends.
❖ A Brush With Kindness
In 2015, Habitat for Humanity of Isabella County kicked off the adoption of a home repair program called A Brush With Kindness. Visit the Brush With Kindness Page for more information!