A Brush With Kindness
❖ Introduction
Habitat for Humanity’s mission is to create a world where everyone has a safe and affordable place to live. A Brush with Kindness is a program Habitat for Humanity offers that helps to make small home repairs for low-income homeowners. Services the program offers includes exterior painting, landscaping and minor repairs, which are sold to low-income homeowners.

❖ About A Brush With Kindness
ABWK helps low-income homeowners who struggle to maintain the exterior of their homes, allowing them to reclaim their homes with pride and dignity. ABWK works in conjunction with your affiliate’s core building program, enabling the affiliate to serve more families, and increase opportunities for volunteers.
Most importantly, ABWK is part of Habitat’s broader community development strategy called the Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative. NRI is designed to pursue Habitat for Humanity’s strategic imperative of helping to transform and strengthen communities so that those who reside in them will be able to live and grow into all that God intends for them.
ABWK helps revitalize the appearance of the neighborhood, strengthens connections within the community and helps preserve affordable housing stock.
❖ History of A Brush With Kindness
ABWK began in the United States in 1999 as a neighborhood revitalization program of Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The program was created by Pat Lund, and with support from the Valspar Corp., it continues to have a significant impact on families and communities in the Twin Cities area. HFHI, with generous support from the Valspar Corp., has modified that local program and is encouraging affiliates all across the country to join the ABWK movement by expanding their scope of services.
By participating in ABWK, you will become part of a new movement to expand Habitat’s capacity to help those in need of a safe and decent place to live. Your light will shine brighter in your community as people see how your work serving those in need is restoring hope and dignity to their lives.